Name to Face Report

The Name to Face Report helps centers stay compliant by giving a quick overview of children who have been marked present or absent throughout the day while a team member took attendance. Access the Name to Face report by going to Programs & Classes (left menu) > Facility Attendance card > Name to Face Report to do the following:

  •  See how many times a Name to Face report was recorded throughout the day per class.
  •  Use sorting and filtering options to view attendance from previous days.
  •  View a photo column of children currently present or absent at your center.
  •  Export or print the grid to use outside of Jackrabbit Care.

Report Features

Use the following features found on the Name to Face report:

  • Click the Filter iconto select a specific date range.
  • Use the Column Menu iconto sort, filter, add, or remove columns, or set the column position. Click the column header and drag and drop it to the top of the report to group the report by that column type.
  • Click Export To Excel or Print the grid as needed.

Record Overview

When opening the Name to Face report, see an overview of all Name to Face records across multiple classes and days. Review the information in the included columns:

  • Date - See the date and time the attendance record was taken.
  • Class - Click the class name to go to the Class Details tab.
  • Submitted By - Click the team member's name who submitted the attendance record to go to their Details tab.
  • Present - How many children were in the class when the attendance record was taken.
  • Absent - How many children were missing from the roster when the attendance record was taken.
  • Group Size - The maximum group size for the class.
  • View - Click View to see the details of a Name to Face attendance record.

Record Details

When viewing more details for a single Name to Face record, review the information in the included columns to better work with Name to Face attendance:

  • Child First Name and Last Name - Click the child's first or last name to go to their Details tab.
  • Class - Click the class name to go to the Class Details tab.
  • Date - See the date the attendance record was taken.
  • Time - See the time stamp for the attendance record.
  • Entry - See a badge indicating if the child was present or absent during the attendance record.
  • Submitted By - Click the team member's name who submitted the attendance record to go to their Details tab.