Setup & Manage Immunizations

Immunizations play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and safe environment for children.  Immunizations are created and managed under Medical & Compliance (left menu) > Setup and Manage Immunizations link on the Health Management card. 

  • Track a child’s immunization status.
  • Ensure children's immunizations meet your center’s requirements.
  • View all children who are missing immunizations to follow up with.

The top thirteen immunizations are automatically listed in the Jackrabbit Care system for your use. These include:

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP) Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Hepatitis A (HepA) Hepatitis B (HepB)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) Influenza Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) Meningococcal B (MenB) Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV)
Polio Rotavirus (RV) Varicella (VAR)

Add a New Immunization

Additional immunization types can be added to the pre-loaded list at any time by Owners and Administrators. The immunizations shown in the Manage tab are your main list for all sites. However, the numbers in the color circles are site-specific and show how many children at each site have that immunization on file.

 Follow these steps to add a new Immunization to the list:

  1. Go to Medical & Compliance (left menu) > Setup and Manage Immunizations link. 
  2. Go to either the Overview or Manage tab and click the + New button.

  3. Enter an Immunization Name and Description in the Create New Immunization window and click Save. The new immunization type is added to the list on the Immunizations page > Manage tab and ready to use.

Refer to the CDC Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for additional information on immunization recommendations.

Edit, Replace, or Delete an Immunization

Owners and Administrators can go to the Immunizations page > Manage tab. Click the Options iconto Edit, Replace, or Delete an immunization.

  • Edit - Select to change the name of the immunization or change the description.
  • Replace - Use to replace an immunization with a different one. Children designated with this immunization will be updated automatically.
  • Delete - If an immunization on the list is deleted, it will automatically be removed from any child's profile.

Deleting, replacing, or editing an immunization will affect all sites for your business. Be careful when modifying an existing immunization if it is in use at another site.

View Missing Immunizations

The Overview tab is available to Owners and Administrators and is site-specific. It provides details for each child with missing immunizations in the system, displayed with a None on File badge  . Use the grid to:

  • Filter or group by immunization type.
  • See which immunization types each child is missing.
  • Click a child's name and add an immunization to their Profile

Add Immunizations to a Child's Profile

An Immunization can be added to a child at any point after a Family Account has been created.

  1. Use the Search... field at the top of the page.
  2. Enter the child's name or family's name in the search field. Select the child, and the child's Details page opens.
  3. Click in the Healthcare column.

  4. Click the + Add Immunization button. 
    • Select the Immunization Name from the drop-down list.
    • Select if the Immunization Status is Up to Date or if the child is Exempted from this immunization type.
    • Choose the Dose Amount for the number of doses this child has received for this immunization.
    • Optionally, add any Internal Notes. These notes are not visible to caregivers.

  5. Click Add Immunization when done. The immunization will be added to the child's details, and the number on the Immunizations page > Manage tab will be updated.