Navigate the Classes Page

Classes created under Programs are key to your childcare business. Jackrabbit Care has all classes for each site consolidated on one page in the system. Change the site at the top of the page to see classes associated with an alternate site. 

As an Owner or Administrator, you automatically have the permissions to view the Classes page. This gives you instant access to all the classes within your organization. 

  •  View all classes (for each site) from a single location in the system.
  •  Enter Class Mode to Take Attendance or send a Message to the families in a class.
  •  See which staff members are signed in for the day.
  •  Quickly check the ratio for the class.

For additional information, see Create & Manage Classes to learn how to create a class, enroll a child in a class, assign a teacher to a class, and a brief description of the tabs on a class page.

Navigate the Classes Page

Collapsed View

Here's a quick tour of the Classes page. Go to Programs & Classes (left menu) > View All Classes link on the Programs & Schedules card and click the Expand iconto expand all the class cards on the page. 

To access information for one class, click the Details link on a collapsed class card.

Expanded View

Once expanded, each class has the following information at a glance.

1 - Program name, Class name, and status.
2 - Checked in the class ratio above the color bar and teacher-to-student class ratio below.
- Actions Menu to add a New Class or create a New Class from an existing one.
4 - Details link - Opens the class page with the Details tab selected.
- Allows Owners and Administrators to access Class Mode where they can take attendance or send a message to class families.

Team Members assigned a teacher role will have access to Programs & Classes > View All Classes from their Dashboard and can view class Details and the Roster, however, they will only see the Enter Class Mode button for classes they are assigned to.