Admin Role
A type of role with staff at a business. The Admin or Administrator may be at one site or many sites to complete tasks to support either a director or owner at a childcare business.
Authorized Pickup
A person who is authorized to pick up a child but may not have legal guardianship over that child.
A graphic or photo image that visually represents the User in a computer application.
Billing Cycle
The Billing Cycle (also known as the Invoice Schedule) defines how often invoices are posted and sent to Families (weekly or monthly).
Billing Profile
The Billing Profile determines the Invoice Schedule (Billing Cycle), when invoices are sent to Payers, and when payments are due.
Class Mode
Enter in to Class Mode from the Dashboard. Authorized staff can see class information including the class roster and attendance.
Classes are offerings where children are brought together for a specified period of time.
A person that has a relationship with a child within a Family. Contacts can be designated as types: Legal Guardian, Authorized Pickup, and Emergency Contact.
Dates of Service
Dates of service are the date or dates a child receives care. It is recorded for billing purposes and listed on a fee.
Emergency Contact
A person that should be contacted in case of emergency. This contact may not pick up the child unless designated to.
Invoice Date
The Invoice Date is the last day of the Billing Cycle. All charges up to 11:59pm on the Invoice Date are included on the invoice to be sent to the Payer.
Invoice Schedule
The Invoice Schedule (also known as the Billing Cycle) defines how often invoices are posted and sent to Families (weekly or monthly).
Ledger Transactions
A history of all invoices, credits, and payments in a Family. Located under the Transactions tab in on the Family page.
Legal Guardian
The primary decision maker for a child as they legally hold guardianship for that child.
A type of role at a business. The Owner has legal ownership of the childcare business and total access.
The Contact(s) responsible for paying the amount due on an invoice.
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment.
Pending Fees
Fees in the Pending section under the Transactions tab scheduled to process in 24 hours of the Transaction date. They can be edited, deleted, or invoiced immediately.
Ability to access, view, edit, update, create, or delete information within Jackrabbit Care. These are system defined and cannot be changed.
Programs are groupings, for example, by age range, that can span multiple classes or rooms.
Recurring Fee
A fee that repeats on a set timeframe.
Schedules set a standard set of days and times for a child to attend a class.
Split Billing
Split Billing allows you to divide a fee or credit and assign the fee/credit to one or more Billing Profiles.
A Staff member who is responsible for instructing/caring for the children in the class.
User Roles
Jackrabbit Care has five roles that are system-defined with related permissions: Owner, Administrator, Site Administrator, Teacher, and Timeclock.
User-based Permissions
Permissions granted to users, regardless of their role, with the ability to perform specific functions in Jackrabbit Care.