
View several Real Time Reports for enrollment.

Name to Face Report

The Jackrabbit Care Name to Face report shows a quick overview of children marked present or absent throughout the day while a team member took attendance.

View & Manage Children's Attendance

Children's attendance tracking information is available in real-time and located on the Attendance Records page under the Medical & Safety section in the system.

Upcoming Birthdays Report

Help children at your facility celebrate their birthday by using the Jackrabbit Care Upcoming Birthdays Report.

Child Snapshot Report

The Jackrabbit Care Child Snapshot Report provides you with a quick overview of child enrollment information, check-in status, and family balances all in one place.

Enrollment Report

The Jackrabbit Care Enrollment Report provides you with a quick overview of Programs, Schedules, Classes, Tuition Fees, and class capacity all in one place.

Review & Process Online Registration Forms

Learn how to review, process, and manage Online Registration forms.