New Articles

  1. Add Notes to Children and Families

    Add Notes to a child, contact, or family account. They are only visible to team members or other Owners and Administrators. Use Notes to:  Inform other team members about a child's needs.  Track family concerns and points of contact. ...
  2. Assign Families to Sites

    See how to assign families to multiple sites and check the sites they are already assigned to.
  3. Daily Sheet Snapshot

    Use the Daily Sheet Snapshot to send food, nap, and potty events to children's families and contacts.
  4. How to Get Started - An Overview

    Key setup steps with a checklist to guide you in getting started with Jackrabbit Care.
  5. Registration Help

    Help families using online registration, either through a shared link or through CircleTime.
  6. Add a Site

    If your child care center has multiple locations, learn how to add them all to your business.
  7. Email History and Notification Management

    See what notifications are sent to families and team members from Jackrabbit Care.
  8. Invite Parents and Contacts to Download the CircleTime Mobile App

    After a Family Account is created, invite contacts to download the CircleTime mobile app.
  9. Family Invoices

    Learn how to create, view, and send invoices to families for easy billing management.
  10. The Billing Profile

    The Billing Profile sets the parameters for when a bill is automatically sent and when it's due.